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"From the point of view of human morality, attempts by one country to preserve its greatness by destroying the economies of other countries, suppressing their innovative potential, and arbitrarily restricting market access are intolerable," he said."However, in reality, this is what happens."

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"Geely and Lynk & Co are both on the way to make more progress," An noted.

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"For some time, the US has been using its power to tarnish and crack down on specific Chinese enterprises in an attempt to strangle their lawful and legitimate operations. Those acts were motivated by strong political intentions and manipulation," he said.


"For example, animal welfare is ensured in most slaughterhouses in China, where pain-free means of slaughtering, such as using carbon dioxide, have been commonly adopted," she said, adding that welfare practices need to improve in some other parts of the animal industry, such as transport.


"Financial technology is a big future trend," says Sun. BC Capital had invested in Zhong An Online P&C Insurance in 2015. When investing in fintech enterprises at an early stage, it's vital to know their investors, the management's background and business model.


